Tarot and Evolution

Dear Friends,

Let me talk about Michel Kieffer. I am very lucky to have been a part of this wonderful book… Michel wrote me 2 years ago and asked my permission to use 7 major cards of my Tarot…

He has over many years been in charge of teaching at Paris Sorbonne University in the field of psychotherapy and art therapy. Being the author of the book “Le tarot me parle d’évolution” Edition Persée France,
he had prepared a second book dealing with the use of tarot regarding personal development and self-knowledge.

In his book « Tarot et Évolution » he has compared the 22 major cards chosen in various tarot decks, explaining how each one speaks in an own specific way about particular aspects of these 22 experiences, through which all of us have to pass in our life.

In 2018, Michel Kieffer asked my permission to reproduce seven major card choses from « Le Grand Tarot de l’Amour » in his book « Tarot et Evolution »

The Lovers
The Chariot
The Anonymous Arcane
The Moon
The Sun
The Fool

I’m very happy because Michael likes my Tarot for many reasons, he uses it frequently and has talked about it to his students who attend his tarot classes. From now, his book is available an Ebook (internet) and Paper Book.
(Amazon, Fnac)

I recommend everybody to read this book because I truly consider it as a valuable addition to your “to do list” in life.

Have a nice day,