Tarot Basic Online Course I.

6-Week Online Course for Beginners

Love, History and the Path of your Soul

Summer is the most romantic season, the time of LOVE! Whether you are young or old, single or married, spring makes your heart beat faster. This has always been so. What’s more, historians keep records of famous couples from Adam and Eve, through Count István Széchenyi and Crescence Seilern, to Prince William and Kate Middleton.

Can you imagine learning Tarot and history by getting to know more about the lives of these and other couples? Would you understand and remember the facts and underlying motives much better if you knew about the feelings of people and the hardships of the era? I’m sure you would – What’s more, you could discover people and stories that are quite interesting and thought-provoking but not barely referred to in history schoolbooks. Do you know for example the role Flóra Sass played in Hungarian science?

If you join me, you will enjoy tarot, love stories, learn history and also, perhaps most importantly, your soul can start to improve on an honest way.

Each class includes optional homework. There won’t be any tests. Each class includes a Love Tarot Book (pdf), which can be downloaded from my website at any time (password protected pdf), in total of approx. 275 pages. This material will support you in your own development with Tarot.

We’ll be using the Le Grand Tarot de l’Amour deck throughout this course but also you can use the Rider-Waite Tarot. With the Major Arcana cards I’ll also introduce you to the Botticceli and Crowley decks.

Max. number of participants: 10
No previous knowledge of Tarot is required.
Next Course: September 2nd – 1 place left
To book: please email me directly
Every Friday, 7-9 pm via Zoom
Course fee: € 300, to be paid before the Course starts (non-refundable)

Course Structure

Class 1
Introduction to Tarot / Anatomy & Physiology of the Deck / Major Arcana 1-7

Class 2
Major Arcana 8-14 / Reading practise

Class 3
Major Arcana 15-21 / Reading practise: Celtic Cross, small cross

Class 4
Major Arcana 15 – 21 /Reading practise

Class 5
Major Arcana: 22 / Reading practise

Class 6
Minor Arcana: Introduction of Minor Arcana/ Reading practise/ Your Future with Tarot